about me!!

-Age: 17
-Pronouns: he/him they/them
-Sexuality: aro/ace

-Musician in progress
-3D Artist
I go by the name Jevil, and you could see me as a younger version of the og JEVIL. My goal? To try master every ability and create life with my own hands as well.-Anonym
“Creative but will take time to trust you. Don’t fuck it up.”
"I fear no god, but this... points at arrow This scares me."


And what do you like? Tell me, tell me!!! UEE HEE HEE!!!

  • Tbhk

  • Omori

  • Danganronpa

  • Undertale

  • Deltarune

  • Jesters & circuses

soon to be updated

soon to be updated

I'm currently working:

-The Ponies: a life simulator located in the mlp universe

-ArtificialTale: a tale where we come together to find our place in life and for freedom

-The Tales Within: A project of my own located inside the Ori universe. A world where we are free to choose however we want to live. Whether it is by living peacefully and making friends, to adventuring and fightings beasts.

work in progress


Currently open and accepting art commissions!!!

-Sketch (two characters max) = 5$ + 3$ any more characters than the limit
-Colored Sketch (two characters max) = 10$ + 5$ any more characters
-Shaded Sketch = 15$ + 7$ any more characters
-Lined drawing = 12$ + 6$ any more characters
-Colored lined drawing = 20 + 10$ any more characters
-Shaded lined drawing = 25 +15$ any more characters

-Particles: 5$
-Background = sketchy (5$), sketchy and colored (9$), sketchy and shaded (13$), lined (8$), lined and colored (15$), lined and shaded (23$), plain elaborated abstract background (10$), elaborated abstract background + shading (15$)

Payment must be done through Paypal, once it's decided what the commission will be, the commissioner must pay inmediately via paypalhttps://paypal.me/JevilChaos?country.x=ES&locale.x=en_USNo refunds, but I will be showing the progress for you to correct whatever you see needed.

coming soon